iPod Video/Music Video organisation

29 Dec 2003
I'be purchased some music videos from the iTunes store, and they show up on my iPod under the Music Videos folder as I'd expect. I've also converted some music videos from cd/dvd that I own, and they show under the Videos sectiuon instead of Music Videos. I've used "Get info" in iTunes and edited them to display artist/name information like the purchased ones then sync'ed my iPod, but thats' made no difference.

Any tips ?
I've found how to do this. Go to Library view, right click the music video and click Get Info, choose Options and then select the video type of Music Video or Video.
yeah i just found out how to do that, only it seems it can only be done one file at a time :rolleyes:

i don't think iTunes manages videos very well, it tries to treat them as music (it's copied my videos into an "Unknows Artist" folder in the iTunes music directory!)

i think it should use a seperate folder such as iTunes/iTunes Video to go with the iTunes Music folder not merge everything together, anyone know how to set this up?
and another think i wouldn't mind someone shedding light on... if you change the Video Type to "TV Show" (after going throught the rigmorole of changing em one by one) they dont show up on the iPod :( there isn't an option for TV Shows just Movies and Music Videos...
You are using Itunes 6 arent you Q?

I have only burned one cd single video and it went into the video section as default!!

Not usre about yoru other problem regarding tv shows tho
yeah iTunes 6

the tv thing is the main prob, i would like to have the TV Shows section show up on the pod considering its an option i iTunes...

anyone know?
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