iPods & Podcasts

19 Oct 2002
problem: podcasts downloaded via the regular route (iTunes Music Store) end up in the Podcasts section of both iTunes and the iPod - but ones i have downloaded myself (in same format/same everything) just show up in the regular music section - they are classed as "podcasts" in the genre but they dont show up where they're supposed to...

any ideas? i like to keep em all together in the podcast section...
Am also interested in this problem. I downloaded the Ricky Gervais podcasts from the official site and they were organised as they should be (in the Podcasts sections). The episodes previous to what's available on that site, posted by someone here yesterday, end up in the 'music' section on my ipod.
yeah that very same thing is where my problem first stemmed from, i now have a related problem in that i formatted my computer and then imported my pre-exported library and now some of my podcastsw such as the french maids ones just show up in Movies and aren't podcasts at all...

proper annoying :(
Just as a quick update to this thread, I've just downloaded the newest iTunes and it seems to have fixed this problem. I dragged and dropped the ricky gervais podcasts that I have in AAC format that were downloaded from a different source in to iTunes, and while they feature in the normal library they also automatically appear in the Podcast section.

I don't have any other podcasts that have been downloaded from the net instead of iTunes to test out to see if this has been fixed with all of them, but if ayone else does perhaps they can try it and find out then post back here?
Don't forget to look for the Ricky Gervais XFM Podcasts too.
There are 49 of them (that I could find) with the same three people and they are just as hilarious.
They date from Jan 2002.
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