IR Sender Question

18 Oct 2002
Stupid question.

I want to hide some of my AV kit in the lounge... in part because my son and one of our dogs seem to enjoy eating the cables, and also because it will look a lot neater.

VM Tivo
Apple TV

I'm going to be getting an AV Amp shortly. That would be ideal to hide away too, but no huge panic if I can't.

Can I get literally any IR sender to get this to work? I presume even an eBay cheapie will be fine?

I have no interest in getting a single all in one remote, so I guess I don't need to worry about that.

Any recommendations would be good...
How are they getting to the wires they should all be at the back of your setup.

Use cable ties to shorten wires so nothing pokes out.

Mount the TV on a wall if need be and then have the wires going through a plastic tunnel to the tv to hide them on the wall.

Or if your using a tv stand push it against a wall so nobody can get in behind it.

I simply don't understand how they can be getting to the wiring if it's at the back and you block access to the back by either raising it up or pushing it up against a wall.
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