Iran; Should the West be worried?

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Iran successfully tested a high speed torpedo capable of destroying large warships and submarines yesterday........

The torpedo, nicked name The Hoot can travel at 224mph (360kph), making it among the fastest underwater-missles in the world......

It is unknown whether it can carry a nuclear warhead....

Source - Metro newspaper.

Is this just a media hype thing or should we be worried as to the amount of Arms and Weapons this nation is developing? There's the issue of Nuclear/Atomic thing going on with the nuclear watchdog... Having said that most countries in the West are Nuclear armed anyway.

Should we be worried, as the leaders of this Nation dont seem to like what the West represent in terms of religion, freedom, democracy etc. The fact that they come out wiht some crazy comment about Israel and other nations they see as Zionist supporters?

Even if they manage to develop or have all these weapons, will they use it on us or Israel or any nation that fits their discription of an Infidel nation?
My farts: Should the West be worried?

Metro Newspaper

In an uncomfirmed source, this reporter was told about how one man's fart could be the greatests threat to the West.

This source told of how this man's farts were capable of destroying large warships and submarines yesterday........The fart, nicked name The Hoot can travel at 224mph (360kph), making it among the fastest moving smells in the world......

It is unknown whether it can carry a nuclear warhead...
Nothing new the Russians have been developing one for years.

Problem is althought fast the trange is very low thus the sub has to close on the target which increases the chance of prior detection
No the west shouldnt be worried.

Its just more spin from Blair and Bush as to how we should all be afraid of the bogeyman.

The world would be much safer if Irans oil was under US control.

Did I say oil? I meant nation, OBVIOUSLY.
ElRazur said:
Source - Metro newspaper.

Is this just a media hype thing or should we be worried as to the amount of Arms and Weapons this nation is developing? There's the issue of Nuclear/Atomic thing going on with the nuclear watchdog... Having said that most countries in the West are Nuclear armed anyway.

Should we be worried, as the leaders of this Nation dont seem to like what the West represent in terms of religion, freedom, democracy etc. The fact that they come out wiht some crazy comment about Israel and other nations they see as Zionist supporters?

Even if they manage to develop or have all these weapons, will they use it on us or Israel or any nation that fits their discription of an Infidel nation?

I seriously doubt it, if they did the Americans would wipe out the whole country with the press of a button.

Not exactly in their best interests.
Visage said:
No the west shouldnt be worried.

Its just more spin from Blair and Bush as to how we should all be afraid of the bogeyman.

The world would be much safer if Irans oil was under US control.

Did I say oil? I meant nation, OBVIOUSLY.

Actually, it was Iran who made a massive deal out of this saying how fast it was and everything, nobody else. Iran is just bsing to try ot make people scared of them.
homerio said:
Actually, it was Iran who made a massive deal out of this saying how fast it was and everything, nobody else. Iran is just bsing to try ot make people scared of them.

They're doing this because the UN have threatened sanctions. These missiles are a threat against a naval blockade, or at least Iran want the West to think so.
Nix said:
They're doing this because the UN have threatened sanctions. These missiles are a threat against a naval blockade, or at least Iran want the West to think so.

Yup. also Iran controls the Gulf of something that a lot of the worlds Oil passes through. It's pretty much a thinly veiled threat.
As extreme as Irans government is the West would never be able to justify a Nuclear pre-emptive strike. Isreal on the other hand - I'm sure they've got a hell of a UK/US supported combined arms plan. :D
AthlonTom said:
As extreme as Irans government is the West would never be able to justify a Nuclear pre-emptive strike. Isreal on the other hand - I'm sure they've got a hell of a UK/US supported combined arms plan. :D

lol, this reminds me of the Suez Canal Crisis.
Get someone else to do the dirty work first and then join in IIRC.
Johnny Girth said:
If only they'd nuke the train-wreck that is Iran.

Then we could wait a while and repopulate it with people who don't stone to death the victims of rape.

LOL yup thats right, condone the mass genocide of millions of people...:/
Johnny Girth said:
If only they'd nuke the train-wreck that is Iran.

Then we could wait a while and repopulate it with people who don't stone to death the victims of rape.

You should work at the UN.
Johnny Girth said:
If only they'd nuke the train-wreck that is Iran.

Then we could wait a while and repopulate it with people who don't stone to death the victims of rape.

Hmm not a good idea.
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