IRC trivia - more addictive than crack cocaine!

15 Mar 2006
Blow me down, I need help! Tonight a friend of mine from Australia recommended playing some trivia on IRC so I joined Austnet and then went to #trivia to play with her...two hours later and late for the pub I finally peel myself away. Not out of choice though! My reason for leaving is as follows:

Earlier today on IRC... said:
Quiz Bot: What land route is the only path out of South America?
Oliver: Panama
Quiz Bot: Correct! Oliver wins the round!
Oliver: \o/
Some gimp: Oh I've had enough of you
Some gimp: 'ban Oliver
When I got home I decided to have a look on another server, UnderNet I think it was. They do have a trivia channel but it's not very busy :( Does anyone have any good trivia channels/servers they want to share? :cool:
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