19 Feb 2010
Just curious .. Who else still uses IRC and where do you hang out?

I'm usually on on a retro gaming channel and also on an InfoSec group on another private server.

Also, did anyone ever pay for mIRC? I usually use bitchx.

I'm surprised at how IRC isn't dead given things like discord to be honest. It's sad but IRC still gives me a fuzzy feeling because the channel communities still tend to be tight-knit. Some still do social meet-ups :)
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I haven't used IRC for many years although I'm still friends with some people I met years ago through various groups.
Same.. I still talk regularly to several people I met on IRC in the 90's. I've only recently got back into using it though due to new avenues of study and a bit of nostalgia. :)
Hah... I thought all the fun ladies were on ICQ. Dated 2 girls from random chat who were great!!

Damn it. Back then all the girls online were intelligent as they had to figure out how to get online and log on to this stuff. Not a duck face in sight.. :/
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Probably the last bastion of free speech, distributed message boards, funny how badly it’s all gone wrong this century.
Well, on IRC there have always been extreme differences of opinion on many channels, however there is no way to delete what's been said, and people never went to the twitter police over it. Love it.
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Just to bump this, I've rediscovered what the net used to be like through IRC lately.

Synchronised watching of star trek episodes with a beer and running commentary on IRC is hilarious. :)

Really enjoying my middle aged geeking out sessions and I'd recommend giving it another go to anyone that used to frequent it in the old days. :)
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