Iridium or Standard plugs?

I went for the iridium in the end £27.15 for 4,i don't think ive changed them in atleast 9/10 years:eek:
I keep getting it cut out if idling a long time,or when pulling away,then its hard to start

if I wait 10-20 seconds it will start,its deffo flooding,high speed its fine but just at idle,im hoping its a dodgy plug/plugs probably check the stand and clutch cut out switches but aint had time atm

only last three days its been doing it
never heard of those plugs shaken, but look good to me

just this minute finished changing the plugs(why do they make it so tight? cant swing a ratchet)

the air filter decided to fall apart also:( so put a ladies tights leg over it for now till I can get a new one;)

started up great without any choke so that's a good sign,wont know for sure till I take it for a spin,probably later or tomorrow
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