I have a sound card I need to keep on a real IRQ but windows keeps putting it above 15 into the fake range, I have disabled about 4 or more devices in the BIOS that use up IRQ's and windows won't do anything with them even though they are free.
This is a fresh install of XP so nothing should be interfering, i keep changing the card to different PCI slots and when i start windows it will often at first say its using a sub 15 IRQ but when i come to install the drivers it changes to above 15.
The sound card works ok but not with a low latency buffer and even 512 has pops and crackles, i really need it set lower which was the whole point of buying the card in the first place.
I tried installing windows as Standard PC instead of ACPI so i could set IRQ's manually but i had problems because it couldn't read the SATA drivers from the floppy a second time after the formatting had finished, everything was physically fine so windows or the drivers of Standard PC were not working well, so im back to ACPI.
I would really appreciate some help if you can thanks!
This is a fresh install of XP so nothing should be interfering, i keep changing the card to different PCI slots and when i start windows it will often at first say its using a sub 15 IRQ but when i come to install the drivers it changes to above 15.
The sound card works ok but not with a low latency buffer and even 512 has pops and crackles, i really need it set lower which was the whole point of buying the card in the first place.
I tried installing windows as Standard PC instead of ACPI so i could set IRQ's manually but i had problems because it couldn't read the SATA drivers from the floppy a second time after the formatting had finished, everything was physically fine so windows or the drivers of Standard PC were not working well, so im back to ACPI.
I would really appreciate some help if you can thanks!
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