19 Oct 2002
I am a little suspect about my ram after initial problems but am not sure if this is ram related. I am having a few issues with my mouse. It has new batteries and did work fine etc, but on my new build it seems to act up a little and not respond well. I put the microshaft drivers on and that hasnt seemed to help and now i am getting the error in the title. It is accompanied by http.sys error normally but has also been something along the lines of nvt***.sys

Has anyone had this error and how did they resolve it?

are you also getting a long series of numbers?

technical error code or something....

if you are post it here... or search it in google.. microsoft has an online database for all the code error descriptions.

i got an irql not less or equal.. for the last 7days... turns out it was my memory.. and im sending it away (RMA)
I solved my BSODs by swapping out my memory. When I moved from Intel to AMD I had hoped to keep my old memory, 1Gb Corsair 3200TwinXLL Pro. However, I found that the Corsair memory would only run stably in my new AMD system if underclocked to 333MHz. I swapped it out for a 2Gb Patriot 3200 extreme low latency kit and the BSODs vanished completely. Interestingly enough, the Corsair memory continues to work fine in the Intel system.

So in my case it looks as though it was a compatibility issue rather than faulty memory chips. I've not seen any posts where others have found this particular issue but you could try underclocking your memory as I did.
have you installed the nvidia firewall? I got this error with the nvidia chipset drivers. Uninstalling the NV firewall software solved the problem. If that doesn't work try the drivers from your mobo cd and go from there.

I had the exact same problem on my rig, In the end I backed off the memory OC and it went away. Since I re-formatted I'm back up as it was, with no problems. Strange.
Daniel :p
KizZ said:
IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL is usually related to memory.

Not in my experience... First time i had this my sound card was causing the problem. Second time it was the drivers that came with my USB to Ethernet connection for NTL. I wouldnt write it off as off as a memory problem straight away.
Agree with BAz^UK. Had probs with all sorts as well... network card, graphics card - in my experience, it often refers to the driver being bad. Although this could always be the ram being faulty and messing around when using drivers i suppose . But i dont think ive ever had probs with the RAM.
Just to add my experience - when I had this error is was caused by my Alcatel Modem; put it on a seperate USB header and problem went away.
I always had this problem because some driver was corrupt or just not very good, when xp first came out always got it with the NTL USB drivers for xp, but 98 drivers ran fine in xp.
polomint said:


and again..

I had this when i upgraded my memory quite a while back. There wasn't enough voltage running throught the RAM. Just up'd the vcore to 2.7v and everything was fine.

Check the specification of the RAM ie. manufacturers web site and see how many volts they recommend. Corair for example like 2.75v but may be different for others.
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