
12 Feb 2022
Hello guys. Have lurked on the forums for a while but this is the first time ive actually needed to post for help, so thanks for any help you may have given before.

I recently built a new PC for myself. Ryzen 5600x, MSI MPG B550 Gaming Plus, 32GB 3600Mhz Viper Gaming DDR4, Radeon 6600xt, 1TB WD Blue M.2 NVME. From day 1, I have been getting random blue screen crashes with the stopcode "irql_not_less_or_equal ". I ran Windows Memory Diagnostic and it said there was a hardware issue. I text my uncle, who is a lot more computer savvy than I am, with the details to ask him if he had any spare ram I could borrow for a while, and he got back to me saying that he thinks it might be because the ram may not be compatible with the board. I had a look at the MSI website and, sure enough, it isnt listed on the QVL page (compatibility on the left).

Can anyone confirm that this is indeed the issue, or is it more likely to be defective ram? Any ideas of anything I can do to stabilise the machine while I wait for a way to solve the problem?

Here is the exact mobo and ram im using for reference.

Thanks very much again for your help before. Hope to get a bit more now. :)
Yeah certainly sounds like that ram kit has struck again. Could try upping the voltage a little bit to see if that improves stability. Could run memtest to confirm if it's actually stable.

For the quickest and easiest way to get it stable before starting to play with timings etc you could just use the xmp profile but then change the frequency to 3200mhz rather than 3600mhz (or just disable the xmp profile). That's what I did when I first got this RAM last year and it caused me problems.

Personally I'd return the RAM and get a different kit - either a different 3600mhz kit for a bit more money, or a 3200mhz C16 kit for similar money.
Thanks for the tips guys. Think ill return the ram if possible and go for the Corsair kit. Should have went for it in the first place.
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