Is a 130w PSU enough for this build?

24 Feb 2003
Porthcawl and Southampton
I have used a PSU calculator and it arrives around the correct mark but was just wondering what you guys think.

Gigabyte Mini-ITX mobo using the integrated graphics with the i3.
Single 5400rpm HDD.
2x2Gb DDR3 RAM

I have bought a case and PSU from the MM (yet to be delivered) thinking I'd put my Atom/ION mobo in there but it got me thinking that if I underclocked the i3 it might work.

Also just bought an OCZ Agility in the deal of the day, this would reduce demand on the PSU too so I could stick that in instead.

Thoughts would be most appreciated.
You won't have to downclock or undervolt the i3-540 using the integrated gfx,it will work just fine with the 130w psu!

People vastly over estimate just how much power is needed for m-itx systems.
I have the spec below:

i5 2500k
Intel DH67CF ITX mobo using integrated graphics
2x2gb ddr3
Samsung F3 1tb
OCZ Vertex

I did some power readings recently. At idle it used about 25-30w. At load (prime95) it got to 110w and no higher. You should be fine!
yeah it'll be fine.

its the dedicated gpus that take most of the systems power.

most drives, harddrive and opticals really dont use much power
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