Is a 20D better than a 350D

15 Jul 2006
Hi all! I recently bought a 350D with 18-55 lens for £380. Just bought a 20D for £360 (no lens) in perfect condition from a fella who was selling it in the freeads as he found it too heavy nowadays.

I'm not sure what to do however as I bought the 20D as I've seen them go for over 400 on ebay so bought it to sell on. Now after looking at it's specs it seems better than the 350D?

Is it worth selling the 350D and keeping the 20D. From what I see its a better camera! Did I get a good deal on something for the first time ever lol?!!
20D for £360 ??? That's a CRACKING deal, I say they are at least £500 even secondhand for a good condition one.

If you want, keep the 350D as backup, but personally i would sell the 350D and use the money to get some lenses.
Woo! I'm going to pop down to LCE tomorrow and see how much they'll offer for the 350D. I cant afford to keep both as I'm saving for the 70-200mm F4 L as everyone seems to rave about it and I'm in the market for a zoom lens. I may just settle for the Sigma 70-300mm APO DG in the meantime however as its a load cheaper!
Dang and I thought my 20D was cheap at £400!

You got a deal there mate. Bin the 350D and get some glass :D
Anyone reckon the 400D is better than the 20D? Seems they have basically the same features but the 400D is newer :S
number41 said:
Anyone reckon the 400D is better than the 20D? Seems they have basically the same features but the 400D is newer :S

No, the 20D is better, built quality, ISO performance, FPS.

400D is what you call an amature camera, 20D is semi-pro.

xxx digits is amaeture
xx digits is semi-pro
x digits is pro
Thanks for that. Just been checking on google and others agree too. Think I'll sell the 350D, get my dream lens and bore everyone with the photos when I get them :D (No fireworks I promise!!).

Only thing I'm worried about is the shutter going on the 20D. Have no idea how many photos its taken so suppose i'll just take it as it comes!
number41 said:
Thanks for that. Just been checking on google and others agree too. Think I'll sell the 350D, get my dream lens and bore everyone with the photos when I get them :D (No fireworks I promise!!).

Only thing I'm worried about is the shutter going on the 20D. Have no idea how many photos its taken so suppose i'll just take it as it comes!

Take a photo with it and see if you previous user chose to select continuous numbering (which at default it is), it should say. Mine is on 400 odd at the moment.
Raymond Lin said:
Take a photo with it and see if you previous user chose to select continuous numbering (which at default it is), it should say. Mine is on 400 odd at the moment.

That's not a guaranteed way of determining the number of actuations - the counter can be reset manually, automatically after 9999 shots or simply by putting a card which has been used in another camera into it. The actual number of actuations should be buried in the EXIF info of each shot but most of the normal applications don't show the section you need.

There are apps about but I forget the names - google time...
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