Is a Microsoft gold partner job worth it?

13 Jan 2010
Just wondering if a Microsoft gold partner is worth it.

By this mean a salary a bit lower than other jobs (not much) but still higher than current.
A bit of a further commute (but only 2 days a week for all jobs)

It sounds amazing . But thought you guys would know
As in you'll be working for a Microsoft Gold partner? There's hundreds of them, thousands worldwide. Some research into how they get Gold partner might be in order. For all I know you pay MS X and you become a gold partner!
I used to work for a gold partner, it means nothing over being employed by anyone else really. Certainly not something that would make me choose it over another.

It's like a business being iso9001 accredited means nothing to anyone there unless they're stuck doing the paperwork for it
I used to work for a gold partner, it means nothing over being employed by anyone else really. Certainly not something that would make me choose it over another.

It's like a business being iso9001 accredited means nothing to anyone there unless they're stuck doing the paperwork for it
In some industries, ISO 9001 makes a whole lot of difference to everyone along the way. Including IT, how you handle things including tickets. For a proper ISO 9001 system anyway.
Ah OK. So it isn't really a perk or that you'll get anything amazing like certification etc.

The only "benefit" really is that you'll be pushed to do certifications because the company needs X amount for their competency status. Even more so for advanced specialisations. Depends how big the team is and what they're a gold partner of. It's not a generic term.
Just means the people who work for the company have done some certifications.

Not sure why recruiters always open with "it's a Microsoft Gold Partner" like it's something amazing.
Just means the people who work for the company have done some certifications.

Not sure why recruiters always open with "it's a Microsoft Gold Partner" like it's something amazing.

Because for a lot of the competencies certification is just one aspect, for example for Cloud Platform Hosting you must have earned a certain number of revenue via Azure/SPLA within the last 12 months, for EMM you need to have 4,000 monthly active users in AAD/InTune etc, so it's much more than just getting a few certifications, from an employer/partner perspective it means that you've met some specific criteria and are delivering a certain amount of business. Don't oversimplify it, it means little to an employee but to an employer I can see why especially for some competencies they're quite proud of it.
Don't oversimplify it, it means little to an employee

OP is asking about a job so from the perspective of an employee and I was referencing every call I get from a recruiter, so also an employee.

I'm sure it's great on a signature block and at new business conferences but as you stated, means little to an employee.
Thanks guys. Really helpful.
I thought it would be actually something measurable. But as its less pay and further away I won't let it sway me
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