Is anybody else...

30 Dec 2003
....a little let down by xbox live marketplace, in how new stuff isnt put on often. When i first got my 360 new downloads were appearing daily, now its like every fortnight. I guess i just want more stuff to download.
i think it's ok. but then i hardly look at it to be honest so most stuff on there is still new to me.
They can only put on what the game developers give them, unless you want crappy MS movies showing you how to network your 360 ;)

I think its still a main selling point of the 360 and an excellent feature. It will come into its own once more games get closer to release.
And the more you download, the more someone is gonna come along and say "Damn you MS, why the 20gb HD?"
I know how you feel but you need to give them a chance regarding the lack of content atm. MS have their hands full still with so much revolving around the console, and thats just the start. With game's being constantly pushed back release date wise, we're unlikey to see that many demo's too.

What's annoying me is the lack of trailers atm, its pathetic although theres sod all films out there that are any good anyway. Still, Full Auto demo is coming to the marketplace on the 25th, so thats something to look forward to, unless you've got the latest OXM mag.
~J~ said:
And the more you download, the more someone is gonna come along and say "Damn you MS, why the 20gb HD?"

Think more likely someone will say why the 13GB total amount FREE with nothing on it :p (7GB is reserved i think so you can't use it)
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