Is anyone still playing Black Desert?

12 Feb 2003
I decided to fire this up today, I checked the last time I logged in proper was just under 5 years ago.

I have a lvl 51 Sorcerer, and oh wow am I lost. So much has changed, there's windows everywhere. Where's my stuff, what do i do now, where do i go, where do i even start!.

Is anyone else on ocuk playing this still? I could do with some company by way of a guild and a guiding hand lol.
I tried a couple of weeks ago but when looking for guides etc, I got put off by seeing it mentioned everywhere that the combat is basically awesome, but you don't really need it for anything special like bosses. End game consists of grind grind grind on easy monsters as far as I could tell. Shame, because it looks and feels great.
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