Is anyone successfully mixing full frame and crop?

28 Dec 2003
So I added a 5D3 to my 7D and 40D a couple of months ago.

I decided to keep the existing two bodies for a few reasons. I need two bodies in certain circumstances, such as when shooting weddings, so needed to keep at least one of them. I couldn't really sell the 7D and keep the 40D but the 40D just isn't worth selling as it's worth so little and more valuable as a backup. I also thought that there would be situations where the increased "reach" offered by the crop of the 7D would still be useful and possibly also the slightly faster frame rate.

I've done two shoots since then which have really got me thinking. First was a trip to the Mach Loop in Wales. I was really in two minds about which body to use here so took both. I figured the 7D might be in its element here with the increased reach and frame rate. In the end I took a few shots with the 7D then switched to the 5D3 and didn't look back. I used a 1.4x on my 70-200 to compensate for some of the reach lost relative to the crop and found it perfectly fine.

Second was a wedding a few weeks ago where I spent the entire day with both the 5D3 and 7D on me. I took over 2300 images with the 5D3 and less than 80 with the 7D!

I'm now wondering if there's any point keeping crop cameras. With the quality of images the 5D3 produces I really don't feel like using the 7D most of the time. It's weird but I almost feel like I'm betraying it because it's served me so well over the last few years.

I'm wondering if anyone else here has both full frame and crop bodies and still uses the latter regularly?

Of course I still need two bodies but I'm contemplating selling both the 7D and 40D, together with my 15-85, and using the proceeds to buy a 6D as a second body, thus going completely full frame. I'm aware of the limitations of the 6D relative to the 5D3 but frankly the situations in which I need to use two bodies don't require both of them to have amazing AF and so on. There are also the benefits of the 6D over the 5D3 such as Wifi which might be useful now and then.

Does this sound logical or should I hang onto the 7D? Interested to hear any opinions.
For most of the stuff I enjoy doing the best crop makes the most sense

Well crops in general often give you more "pixels per duck" and are thus often preferred by those shooting from very long range, such as bird and wildlife photographers.
Glad you like it, I was rather fond of it.

Haven't actually used the proceeds yet but they'll be going towards a Sigma 35 at some point in the not-too-distant :)
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