Is cheap gear a false economy?

24 Mar 2011
What's better when starting out? Buying reasonably expensive gear, so a decent helmet, jacket, trousers, boots, gloves, or buying cheap(er) stuff then upgrading/buying more kit later?

I'll be doing my CBT in the next couple of months with a view to picking up a cheap YBR/CG/Varadero (if I can find a cheap one!) to use in all weathers for the commute to work (could be a 5 mile commute, could be a 30 mile commute) and have naturally started to look at some gear. My head says to buy properly, and buy once for textile gear/helmet and boots/gloves, so I've been looking at the following stuff (had a try on of the jacket/helmet in my local J&S which was previously a HG store and better for it, huge range of helmets/gear now).

Shoei Qwest
RST Paragon 4 jacket (brand new out, literally - says coming soon on the RST website!)
Matching trousers
Goretex IXS Antaris gloves
Sidi Goretex boots (from the aucton site, a new pair is waaay over budget!)

The jacket was very very nice, full waterproof double zip on the front, weighed a frickin' ton (was working up a sweat just putting it on!!) throat coat, level 1 back armor etc.

The Shoei Qwest I tried was also very nice, light, L size fitted pretty nice for a 2 min try on.

Thing is, all the above will come to about £800, I'll hopefully be able to get a bit knocked off, and the boots will be bought from the auction site. But even if I was to pay £100-£150 less on a helmet, then a jacket for £80 less and trousers for £70 less that's only saving £250-£300 and if I'm out in all weather, getting rained on and arriving at work with a wet crotch and wet patches all over, I'd probably end up buying the more expensive kit a few months later anyway! :D

For instance, I tried on an aplinestar drystar jacket as well as the RST and it felt nowhere near as well built, less armor, single zip with press studs on a waterproof flap vs the full waterproof outer zip etc, and it was only £20 less.

So yeah, bearing in mind I'll be pootling about on a 125 after my CBT in all weathers doing anywhere up to 300 commuting miles a week for the next 6-12 months, is it worth skimping now and having to pay out extra later?

I'll have a proper look around at helmets once I've done the CBT, I did try on an AGV and it was a bit loose around the forehead areas, but fitted well elsewhere, the Shoei fitted bloody lovely. Plus it's sharp 5* rated, which is a nice thing to have, as well as the Shoei name and (supposed quietness), but I know there's a lot more choice out there in the £150 price range vs the £250+ range that the Shoei is in.
If you want to skimp buy clothing (apart from helmet) on ebay. You can get top quality gear for the price of budget new as lots of people get into biking, buy all the gear and then give up

I'll be doing this with the boots, should be able to get a pair of sidi goretex for under £100 - tried on a pair today, size 45 (10.5 UK) and they fitted well, a little tight across the toes so may look at a size 46 (11 UK) but for clothing it's not really possible unless I see some stuff I've been able to try on, I have long arms and am pretty skinny so getting enough length in the arms and being able to fit in other areas can be tricky.

RST stuff seems to fit pretty well, size 44 jacket was just right in the arms with a little space underneath for a layer or 2, the armor seemed to be in the right places too. Will keep an eye out though :)
Yeah boots is one area I don't want to compromise, not only for protection but also as I would imagine your feet get the wettest in heavy rain, hence I'll be going for some goretex booties. My feet get cold at the best of times (poor circulation) so cold and wet feet would be a big no no for me. Got a couple of thin snoods but we'll pick up a thermal tube when it gets cold again, the jacket has a 'throat coat' too, which should offer some protection.
Yeah I'm gonna pick up a pair of the lidl £17 gloves, and I'll have a look at the Aldi stuff (9th march I think it's out) to see if it's any good, although the jacket isn't that much cheaper than a branded one in the sales. Will still get a pair of decent gore tex gloves though for the wet/cold and have the Lidl ones are a spare set.

It will probably come down to how many miles I'm doing, if it's a 5 or 10 mile each way commute I can skimp a bit, but if it's 30 miles each way I'll spend a bit more. Nothing worse than arriving at work soaked through because of cheap jacket/trousers that let in more water than the titanic. I also want this stuff to last so Ill have decent when get around to doing the full test in 6-12 months time and move onto a big bike. Can see me picking up a leather jacket and pair of Kevlar jeans for the couple of weeks of proper summer we'll probably get this year. :D

If I end up buying most of the gear at my local shop I'll try and haggle for a bit off too.
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