Is Creative/EAX still king?

31 May 2005
Am I right in thinking that Creative have lost their way and they along with "EAX" are no longer king?

Frankly, I think for "High End" - Creative have definitely lost their way.
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Is EAX still/will it remain as important over the next few years.

Do I go:
XONAR PCI-e (No EAX) although slightly better components.

Yes, I play games and watch films and listent to music.
Is EAX just living on past glory?

With a lot of games being ports from the consoles, is DTS Connect not going to be more epopular with Devs or does hardware accelerated audio still have a future?
I dont live for console ports myself so maybe that was a mute point I raised although I was thinking that with fewer PC exclusives nowadays, will devs find it easier to support DTS Connect on both platforms rather then OPENAL on the PC and DTS Connect on the consoles?

A prelude it is then.

Can someone tell me who is responsible for the Auzentech drivers? Are they made by Auzentech or do they request them from Creative?
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