Is everything an Estate Agent says, utter BS?

18 Jan 2010
I've had my house for sale for 5 months, had 4 viewings in that time with the first agent. They did nothing to help, I had to keep calling them asking whether it was a good idea to lower the price etc.

I moved to a different one last Saturday, maybe against my better judgement, because the waffle that comes out of their mouths is just insane.

They know I didn't have many viewings with the previous agent. In the first 4 days of my house being with them, i get 3 viewings booked. Great, I thought.

Then, the first one cancelled a few hours before, apparently "They had an offer accepted on another house". I thought that was a bit weird, but fair enough it must happen. Second one got cancelled the day before. Exactly the same excuse... Now I am starting to question whether they even existed.

I had another one this morning. They did actually arrive. When I signed the contract, with the EA i said i will do the viewings, I have 3 dogs and a cat, they are all rescues with issues, so its easier for me to manage the house and them in it, rather than try and get them all out the house. I showed the family around, funnily enough they are from where i grew up, so had a chat about that. Then 20 minutes after the appointment started, the door bell rings. I open it and its the estate agent stroppy with me because i left her waiting for 2 minutes while i was in the middle of talking to the people looking around my house. She comes in and starts trying to take over. She's never been in my house. She is talking absolute crap. I look at the family and can see they see right through her.

The people who came to view asked "Dont you have a first time buyer coming to view" i said no, they cancelled. Then the estate agent piped up again saying there has been huge amounts of interest and all sorts of other rubbish which i just didn't bother opening my mouth about, as obviously that does benefit me. I then heard her outside talking to them, feeding them another load of BS!

It then makes me think back about viewings I've had looking at houses we want to buy, with her and other estate agent companies in this area. Pretty much all of them have played the same card, like this house already has 2 offers on it, they just aren't what the vendor wants, but they'll accept X amount, or similar things.

I know you shouldn't believe much, if anything that comes out of their mouths, but my eyes have been opened even more this week.

I guess i answered my own question there, and it was more of a rant! But interested to know if anyone else had any similar experiences??
A couple of months after I bought my first house I ran into the estate agent that sold it to me on the same estate. He launched into a spiel about how many people had come to view it. Except the I knew that only two people viewed it, including me. He'd finalised the deal, I'd moved in, and he still couldn't stop lying about the property. I just assume it's a requirement for the job.

It must be. There is absolutely no need for them to continue lying to you after you'd bought it and moved in. They just can't helpt themselves.

Imagine being in a relationship with one, you'd never know if anything they said was true.
A near neighbour had the agent in recently to value their deceased parents property, a three bedroom detached house on a large plot in one of the most desirable roads in the area. Apparently they'd struggle to sell it as 'no-one wants a large garden anymore'.
There must be something wrong with me then, because other than needing a large garage, I also need a much bigger garden for my dogs!
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