Is full frame going to show up my glass?

28 Dec 2003
I'm generally a believer in the "glass before body" adage but now, having collected a decent collection of lenses, I think it's time to move from my 7D to a 5D3 as I feel it's the next logical step. Note that I won't be replacing the 7D as I'll be keeping it.

My current lens collection comprises:

70-200 2.8 II
50 1.4
(Also have a 10-22 and 15-85 but these aren't relevant to full frame)

The thing is, I'm well aware of the "sweet spot" effect that a crop sensor can have with lenses and there's a little worry that I'll end up disappointed when I lose this effect going to full frame.

My main concern is with the 24-70 as it's my main walkabout. I love this lens but how much is the quality going to "suffer" on full frame? Will the general increase in quality afforded by a FF sensor be outweighed with softness at the edges for example?

I guess I'm just worried that, five minutes after splurging on a 5D3, I'm going to be hankering after a 24-70 II :)
Yeah I know I'm probably worrying unnecessarily but there's just that nagging thought. Think I'm a born worrier.

Current plan is 5D3 within the next few weeks followed by a Sigma 35 :)
Well I'm coming from a 7D so the control layout should be familiar.

The control layout is actually a major plus point of the 5D3 for me, over say the 6D, in that it's not only familiar but I couldn't live without the joystick.
Ha, yeah. I thought you were going to come up with some mid-range stuff, not £1k lenses! :p

LOL sorry, obviously worrying unnecessarily but I tend to do that :p

As I said, I believe in the glass before body adage and have thus concentrated on the former until now but I think the next logical step is now to go FF.
I doubt I'll ever go fully prime as I like the flexibility of zooms, especially when you don't want to carry a lot of lenses. That said I do plan to add some more primes.

First up will be the Sigma 35 as I need something in that focal length range. I've borrowed a friend's 24L II a couple of times to use on my 7D and the Sigma will provide a similar effective focal length on FF.

After that I'll probably pickup an 85 1.8, simply because it's cheap and a useful length on FF, doing much the same job my 50 1.4 has done on a crop. I may end up replacing the 50 with the new Sigma when it arrives, depending on how much I use that length after the FF change :)
Yeah zoom-wise I can't see myself needing anything else really. The only exception would be if I ditched crop altogether and needed to replace the 10-22, in which case I'd get a 17-40 as I can't justify the 16-35.

Keeping the 7D though for flexibility and a backup. Also have a 40D which I'll keep as a second backup as it's worth so little it's not worth selling.
Do you mean you have the 24-70 mk1? Bit confused as you initially say it's the mk2 but then said the mk2 was out of your reach :)

Know what you mean about the 70-200 II though, the images it produces are simply amazing.
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