Is Google's Chrome worthy of 500MB+ ssd space

2 Jan 2004
Hi Guys,

A recent ssd sys drive install has me thinking about how tight fisted I should be with My Precioussss 250GB worth of 3D vertical NAND flash chips ;)

The Chrome installed files on the ssd was totaling half a gig for a browser is this Kerazzzy? so I'm considering sym linking it to a partition on a 7200rpm. Have any of you? anything I should consider before hand?

to admin if there was a better place for this post my sorriesss and please movesss it.

thank you
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Hey db,

I have been a Chrome user for a few years and do use the apps and such so it may not have actually expanded to 500MB 'til I logged in :D
Thanks for the feed back guys and as it happens I found that even though the application could be sym-linked to a 7200rpm partition albeit with a start-up speed reduction. Chrome also stores and caches to the ssd in the appdata folder so what's 500MB when the app data folder is carrying 1.9GB :D
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That is probably the user profile and cache (mainly cache)

My google folder in appdata is 160MB as I have cache on ramdisk.

I think the default for max cache size is 2GB, you can always use command line options to limit the size and also to relocate the cache.


Really down to personal preference tho :)

Thanks must have a mosey at that :D

Update: Gig-savers :D
The feed back on the thread has been very useful guys, specifically info on your chrome folder sizes so I did some cleaning i.e. I had a look at the contents of my chrome folder and found unity.3d references with some alarmingly large files. Knowing that this related to games I inspected Chrome extensions and found a whole haul of old junk gaming and other extensions that I no longer use as a result of the clean-out the folder size went from 1.9GB to a tiny
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