Is having a discreet public wee littering?

1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard

45 minutes into a two hour car journey and taking a discreet wee in a lay by alongside a dual carriageway in the countryside a man was given an £88 fine for littering. The man like me (I claim an interest) has a prostate weakness leading to more urgency on occasion.

Nick Freeman a lawyer of some notoriety on driving issues is taking on the case against the council and it's agents.
My dad has similar issue - Doctors told him not to hold on too long if he needs a wee otherwise it can somehow end with him getting blocked up.

Bit on a non story though IMO, once he produced a doctors note they cancelled the fine anyway.

Public urination - I think there's a time and a place. Layby's are fine as long as you are trying to be as discreet as possible. In the middle of a town centre, not so much.

I had to wee in some bushes at a Tesla charging station because it had zero facilities and nowhere nearby you could walk too. It felt more embarrassing than illegal as other drivers were also parked up charging.

While I agree generally and in town one can usually find premises to use. Out in the sticks where there may not be a urinal for twenty miles and probably in a town anyway it seems very very stupid to have this as a policy. Sometimes you just need to go. Or do you just wet yourself.
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They cancelled the fixed penalty notice after he provided medical evidence, non issue here surely?

Not really the point. What if you need to waste your doctors time getting a note. I have a little black card from Prostate UK but I am not named anywhere on it. It does give me something to show a pub landlord if I use his facility without buying a drink. Would that be enough for the uniformed voyeur?

I tend to agree with the drunks peeing in bushes argument but this us different. Anyone who may be offended is passing at 60mph or so and would need very good eyesight to see even the most endowed. Not so the litter man hiding in the bushes ready to pounce.
Seen it twice in broad daylight in public with people around, one was a young woman and i was quite shocked i can tell you

its not littering, its just foul but it will get worse in my area since they have started charging 20p to use the public toilets.
if someone does not have a 20p on them then they probably have to pee their pants or pee in public

Town centres are not really the issue but if you need to dash into the bushes at the side of a road in the middle of nowhere figuratively speaking who should care. Just don't frighten the horses.
Personally, I think it's sad this is so frowned upon. If you're peeing up against someone's house.. Sure. Because it's damage. But out doors? Everyone in the hills for example? Everyone does it.

Usually hillwalking I sweat it all out as I go but yes there is the occasional need to walk behind a handy rock formation.
I love taking a **** outdoors.

Feels so natural, also good for the environment, don't flush saves water, fertilises ground, don't get drips on the floor so the Mrs doesn't moan, less use of cleaning materials etc

I work from home and in general when home I'll go outside in the garden to **** rather than in the house, unless it's late and everything is locked up.

Also don't bother washing my hands just for a wee, for the same reasons.

An English man's home is his castle. ;)

Mind you, in common with a majority of the world's population however I will still point percy at the porcelain if it's available
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