Is it feasible to use a Vive with limited space?

25 Sep 2012
I am thinking about getting a VR headset and am leaning more to getting a Vive.

However I don't have much room to play in. I can stand on the spot and spin with my arms outstretched without hitting anything but if I were to take a step left or right I would probably be bashing my hands on the wall.

Can you play most games standing on one spot? Is it difficult to remain in the same spot whilst playing a game? If you are playing in a confined space such as this is the chaperone system constantly on? Any thing else I should take into consideration?
It mostly comes down to the type of games. Everything simulated, you're fine in the seated position. Many sports, shooter, platform games, will support standing area only.

You're biggest guide will always be the guide on the steam store, what the developers state v's the comments in the steam forum. People will call it black if they've understated the area needed, or conversely tell you, you can get away with less.

I stand to be corrected, but it mostly comes down to the locomotion the developers decide to go with. In general if there's teleportation involved, the more joy you will have in a combined space.

A fall back is always the refund option on steam, if you can't get on. In general more is better, but I get away with 1.5m deep on most stuff I have that requires room space.

Shout the type of games you're looking at, I'm sure you'll get more help.
Games I've played so far have a teleport feature so you can constantly use that if needed but it is good to be able to get down and crawl under the swinging axes and dodge the archers in Vanishing Realms lol.

Goblins & Gnomes preview is probably the best looking VR title I've seen. Although it is a Preview, it doesn't have the teleport feature it requires you to have the space to walk...
You need to look at the kind of games, perhaps check videos of gameplay on youtube.

the biggest problem will be anything where you will want to physically move, not being able to will feel really limiting, in holoball you would want to step around to reach the ball just like moving around on your half of a tennis court, in onward you would want to be able to peak around buildings, in space pirate trainer you would want to sidestep incoming bullets

Some of this you can get by using teleport or controller movement, but it might not quite be the same experience.

SteamVR can be setup for stationary positioning, its the games that are the deciding factor.
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