Is it hard to make Apps for the Iphone?

21 Jun 2005
Well I have next to no programme experience (did a little about 10 years ago but can't remember anything)

I would not mind starting to make little apps/games for the iphone, is this hard to do? Or should I not bother? Any links to tutorials or anything like that appreciated.

Thanks :)
The SDK has an iPhone simulator however you will need to test the application with an iPhone (plus enroll into the yearly fee programme).
I'm currently learning Objective-C after coding Java for the last 10 years, and it's got a bit of a steep learning curve, but I'm muddling along.
It's not that, I'm fine with that - It's the syntax and trying to wrench my brain away from the Java way of doing things (and the fact Obj-C is so *verbose* at doing such simple things - like NSString *blah = [[NSString alloc] initWithString=@"cake"]; whereas at worst in Java you just String blah = new String("cake"); or String blah = "cake"; )
It's not that, I'm fine with that - It's the syntax and trying to wrench my brain away from the Java way of doing things (and the fact Obj-C is so *verbose* at doing such simple things - like NSString *blah = [[NSString alloc] initWithString=@"cake"]]; )

Could use the class factory ;)

The fun I had is alloc, retain and release, coupled with perform selector on thread and multiple RunLoops. :D
I started learning it before I began my MSc and I was was finding it ok. All my previous programming experience was in Java and VB.

A book I can highly recommend is Beginning iPhone Development by Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche (ISBN:9781430216261).
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