Hi 8 pack...
First of all, thanks for your guides and help on here. using knowledge imparted from you I managed to get my sammy to 2520mhz SuperPi32m stable last night and post a few memspeed PB's to the bot, so well pleased. That has got me to thinking you might be able to help with an issue I have, when you have time.
I Decided to fire some extra effort at getting this 3770K above multiplier 46 stable. For info: She will do 4737mhz at 46x103 no problem with voltages around 1.28v and bench all night at 4780mhz with 45x105, indeed this week she has been doing with great results. Super Pi 32m / 3Dmark / catzilla / You name it... no problem.
However, no matter what I do, I cant get her Super Pi 8m stable on multipliers 47x or higher no matter what i do.
(All initial multiplier testing is done on 100mhz bus and 1600 ram)
Also, perhaps worth mentioning is something I personally find a little odd about OC'ing the 3770K, (or this one at least) is that if I get her stable at any speed, I can have too much voltage and make her unstable again.
4737mhz (46x 103 @ 1.280v) she will pass SuperPi 32m no problem, but she wont at 1.30v.
In the past, I have never had any problem with too much voltage other than heat. Is this normal For IVY, or is mine odd?
I wonder if my leakage is too high and she simply wont run voltages higher than 1.295v at all and I have tried so far right up to 1.55v in 0.01v steps.
For reference...
Always the same result - boots to windows fine and can do any light load things I want, but put it under load with higher than 1.295v = dead stop.
Black screen error. Reeboots to report a 124. Every single time.
The point of this topic I guess, is to get some feedback, ideas and discussion going and then if you guys tell me that its common to need in excess of 1.55v for a 47x multiplier then I will try it as that is the highest I have tried. But it seems high considering what I have read on the forums about others experiences.
Another thought I have yet to investigate - can peripherals cause it?
Thanks in advance for any time you can spare, but if thats none, no hard feelings, thanks for reading anyway.
First of all, thanks for your guides and help on here. using knowledge imparted from you I managed to get my sammy to 2520mhz SuperPi32m stable last night and post a few memspeed PB's to the bot, so well pleased. That has got me to thinking you might be able to help with an issue I have, when you have time.
I Decided to fire some extra effort at getting this 3770K above multiplier 46 stable. For info: She will do 4737mhz at 46x103 no problem with voltages around 1.28v and bench all night at 4780mhz with 45x105, indeed this week she has been doing with great results. Super Pi 32m / 3Dmark / catzilla / You name it... no problem.
However, no matter what I do, I cant get her Super Pi 8m stable on multipliers 47x or higher no matter what i do.
(All initial multiplier testing is done on 100mhz bus and 1600 ram)
Also, perhaps worth mentioning is something I personally find a little odd about OC'ing the 3770K, (or this one at least) is that if I get her stable at any speed, I can have too much voltage and make her unstable again.
4737mhz (46x 103 @ 1.280v) she will pass SuperPi 32m no problem, but she wont at 1.30v.
In the past, I have never had any problem with too much voltage other than heat. Is this normal For IVY, or is mine odd?
I wonder if my leakage is too high and she simply wont run voltages higher than 1.295v at all and I have tried so far right up to 1.55v in 0.01v steps.
For reference...
- Asus maximus Extreme IV Z68
- i7 3770K delidded (Never sees above 60C no matter what volts I put in it... rarely exceeds 45c).
- Larger than most water loop with external 1260 rad & internal 360.
LLC optimised / High / Extreme- Phase 350 / 400 / 450 / 500
- CPU PLL enabled
- Max OC settings for CPU overvoltage etc
- C states all off
- Spread spectrum always off
- Tried HT off
- Looser ram timings
Always the same result - boots to windows fine and can do any light load things I want, but put it under load with higher than 1.295v = dead stop.
Black screen error. Reeboots to report a 124. Every single time.
The point of this topic I guess, is to get some feedback, ideas and discussion going and then if you guys tell me that its common to need in excess of 1.55v for a 47x multiplier then I will try it as that is the highest I have tried. But it seems high considering what I have read on the forums about others experiences.
Another thought I have yet to investigate - can peripherals cause it?
Thanks in advance for any time you can spare, but if thats none, no hard feelings, thanks for reading anyway.