Is it possible to measure display ads views?

26 Jun 2005
We are looking into some advertising opportunities and one option is to have display ads on a high traffic site. While I was browsing the site talking to the sites Ad guy he was describing the Ads but I couldn't see them as I have Firefox and Chrome flash block plugins. The Ads are AdSense driven it seems.

What I'm interested in finding out is whether it is possible to determine whether a Flash Ad is displayed or blocked. Would Analytics show this? Also would it is possible to determine whether users browing a site have these Flash block plugins installed or not?

Well Adsense will always count impressions, and I'd be surprised if there isn't some logic in there to account for adblocks, if it isn't shown it shouldn't be an impression.

If you're looking for stats on the amount of blocks then that's not something I've seen before, but you could whip up a script to gather that. e.g.

<script type="text/javascript">
            if (jQuery('#myAdContainer').height() == 0) {
add to a counter for the amount of blocks as a 0 height container means your ads havnt loaded
Well Adsense will always count impressions, and I'd be surprised if there isn't some logic in there to account for adblocks, if it isn't shown it shouldn't be an impression.

If you're looking for stats on the amount of blocks then that's not something I've seen before, but you could whip up a script to gather that. e.g.

<script type="text/javascript">
            if (jQuery('#myAdContainer').height() == 0) {
add to a counter for the amount of blocks as a 0 height container means your ads havnt loaded

Seems like a nice simple solution
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