Is it possible to mount a page within a page ?

5 Nov 2004
I have bought this slideshow software that generates a slide show using php into a pre made page.. but I am designing this site and have no really effective way of displaying my pictures without it being linked to another page. I wonder if it possible to break it all down and rebuild it into a page I am making?

Sorry if its hard for you to understand what I am asking.. I have limited skills with dreamweaver.

Iframes sounds like a good option as HT said. If you want to do it server side you could use php includes, so have one master file which calls different htm or php pages.
Simple Iframe would be

<iframe src="../examples/inlineframes1.html" width="80%" height="110"></iframe>

All the options

setting the border to 0 gets rid of it, allowing the page to seamlessly integrate with your main page. Possible values are 1 (yes) and 0 (no), you cannot give it a bigger border. 
adds a margin to the sides of the framed page. 
adds the margin to the top and bottom of the framed page. Added to any margins you've given the pages in their <body> tags. 
if the framed page is too big for the dimensions you've specified a scrollbar will appear. This attribute will stop this from happening. 
like the image attribute, this will affect how the text around the frame aligns itself. 
sets a margin of white space around the frame to the sides. 
sets a white-space margin to the top and bottom.

Im not even sure Frames are going to give me what I want as I have no experience with them. Its going to be easiler for me to just show you what I want to achieve.

this is a quick basic layout of one of my pages

This is the folder of elements that create the slideshow

Here is a link to the slideshow working by its own paramaters

I want to incorporate that slideshow into the empty white space on the page layout on my site.. Can someone please tell me if this is possible and how ?

Thanks a lot!
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<iframe src="slideshownew.php" width="80%" height="110"></iframe>

Width and Height to your own option.

and i take it the page from help1.jpg is saved in the same directory as slideshownew.php?
Slightly off topic, what's the XHTML (strict) alternative to iframes? I've read that it's OBJECT, but IE6 doesn't support it properly, Firefox (as usual) does, so how are you supposed to include external content in a page and keep it XHTML compliant?
MarkLP said:
<iframe src="slideshownew.php" width="80%" height="110"></iframe>

Width and Height to your own option.

and i take it the page from help1.jpg is saved in the same directory as slideshownew.php?
No it was in a different folder. It was just uploaded purely for your visual reference to what I am trying to achieve
Why not just embed the flash movie directly into your other page using:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="100%" height="100%">
        <param name="movie" value="slideshownew.swf">
        <param name="quality" value="high">
        <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#D9DFDD">
        <param name="FLASHVARS" value="globalpath=&textcol=000000&configfile=slideshownew.ini&">
        <embed src="slideshownew.swf" width="100%" height="100%" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#D9DFDD" flashvars="globalpath=&textcol=000000&configfile=slideshownew.ini&"></embed></object>
Are people certian this will work ? I mean the whole slide show is created using php i think.. to be honest like I said, im not that skillfull when it comes to understanding these things. I wanna get it done though, just need to know if its possible.
nero120 said:
Why not just embed the flash movie directly into your other page using:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="100%" height="100%">
        <param name="movie" value="slideshownew.swf">
        <param name="quality" value="high">
        <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#D9DFDD">
        <param name="FLASHVARS" value="globalpath=&textcol=000000&configfile=slideshownew.ini&">
        <embed src="slideshownew.swf" width="100%" height="100%" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#D9DFDD" flashvars="globalpath=&textcol=000000&configfile=slideshownew.ini&"></embed></object>

Thats actually shown some (yet unknown) progress what what I want
The player is now there but just as a black wide box, however for a brief second I saw something attempt to load
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="100%" height="100%">
<param name="movie" value="slideshownew.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="BGCOLOR" value="#D9DFDD">
<param name="FLASHVARS" value="globalpath=&textcol=000000&configfile=slideshownew.ini&">
<embed src="slideshownew.swf" width="100%" height="100%" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#D9DFDD" flashvars="globalpath=&textcol=000000&configfile=slideshownew.ini&"></embed></object>

That codes inserts the slideshownew.swf into the page and begins to load something then goes completely black. My friend seems to think that might be cause its not loading everything required ?
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