is it possible......

12 Jan 2006
is it possibe to have music play when you open up a website??? or even if when click on a hyperlink sorta thing... a song would play...

if this is possibe for either situation... then could someone please help me on how i go about it???

Have a look at the methods outlined here. Just as a sidenote though, inline or embedded sounds are extremley tacky and annoying in my opinions. I much prefer the option to allow the user to open the sound themselves either with a hyperlink or button. It can get quite annoying when you open a web page and sound starts blarring out of your speakers :)
I use this:
<body><embed src="./sounds/imperial_march_1.wav" autostart=true loop=true volume=100 hidden=true>
		<bgsound src="./sounds/imperial_march_1.wav">
Trigger is correct in that it can be absurdly annoying.
punky_munky said:
It's incredibly annoying if you're already listening to something as it tends to clash horribly. Please don't put any music on your site for the good of humanity.
What he said :p

Although I suppose a link to let you listen to it would be acceptable.
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