is it possible?

Yeah it is pretty difficult, I had a go and this was the best I could come up with:


Trying to do any more just ended up with the image loosing detail.
class i know its a hard one.....

this lady died ages ago and its the only photo this academy has of its a great help...

really appreciate your efforts

p.s. i know this bloke on her, well dont know if but he could clean up images like this so he claimed on his website.......i totally forgotten tho...

that said appreciate your work mate :)

thanks once again
Wow, that picture is pretty far gone! If you're serious about it I think you're going to need a professional... I had a play just to see what I could do out of interest, but I cant keep more detail.

This is about the best I could get I'm afraid


Edit: Another go

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im wondering, what are these images for? its the 2nd time you've asked for one to be touched up. I'm just curious that's all:)

oh you dont need two threads on it though:)
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