Is it really legal?

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Snooper SLD920
Part Number: SLD920
The Blinder unit installs behind the grill in the engine bay. It operates at all times and if a laser gun beam is detected (or scatter is detected from it being pointed at a nearby car) then a loud alarm sounds in the car cabin and the laser diode emitters behind the car grille temporarily and harmlessly stop the laser gun obtaining a reading giving you time to assess your speed and if necessary to slow down. Absolutely reliable on all UK laser speed guns - see the test results below.

It is the item at the bottom of the page.

I might get one if it is legal, can someone comment on this please. Thanks.
Oh thank you guys, *puts back credit card inside wallet* The thought of all the hassles is not worth it.
Matblack said:
No it isn't and you could be done for perverting the course of justice which is considerably worse that 3 points and £60!


That's an offence which is bandied about but not really appicable here. Obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty is the one here...
the unit is not illegal ( yet , this is due to change shortly ) , however you could , theoretically be prosecuted for either "perverting the course of justice" or "obstructing a police officer in the line of his duty" , no one , who has challenged a charge , has been convicted of either in relation to a jammer , there have been a couple of cautions etc where the user has admitted the offence but whenever anyone has challenged a charge the CPS have backed down prior to a court hearing
paradigm said:
I always thought they were legal to buy, but illegal to use in this context.

it has never been tested in court , there is no specific offence at the moment and re alternative offences the CPS have backed away from prosecution where the offence has been denied
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