Is it reasonable to store a pram in a cycle shed

17 Oct 2002
So I live in a new build in central London And storage space is at a premium.

Each block has a huge underground bicycle storage room in the car park Which is more than 75% empty.

I store my pram there, unfortunate the management don’t seem to like that and They have remove my pram and I can only assume have disposed of it.

Now before I go and pick a fight so you guys think it’s unreasonable to keep my pram down there.

I own the flat
Pram was worth around a grand.
The management company is generally a pain
Right sorry for the delay, when we first got pregnant I was also shocked how much a pram costs. It's not just a pram, you need a pram, a sleep thing for the first 6 months, a travel car seat, rain cover and all sorts of other junk, It's a rip-off.

Anyway. I sent an email to the estate manager last night, I basically said you have stolen my pram from the bike shed (its not a shed its a 70m2 underground room), I informed him that he has 24h to return it or I will 1 go to the police and 2 start legal proceedings against them.

I got this back

As regards to falsely accusing my team of thieves, this is a defamation of character which does not only harms the reputation of my team, but it is also affecting their performance and wellbeing. This is not acceptable and I will consider all the options and expect an apology to my team.

You clearly had the intention to call my team thieves without any proof, you could simply report a missing pram.


but they did agree to find me pram and give it back to me :D
Lol. Yes it was a aggressive email because I feel they had not right to take it and if they did take it they should have emailed me as they knew it was mine.

The are generally very rude to the residents so don’t really have most on side.
If they offered to let you have it back, then why the need for the email accusing them of stealing it and threatening to go to the police? :confused:

no, it went missing. I gave it some time and Had a look around.

Emailed them the above and they then admitted to taking it and said they will get it back for me.
Maybe it was a bit harsh but at the end of the day it’s the same as towing your car away.

I will chain it up next time.

it’s a huge empty space. There are 4 bike storage rooms each can hold 120+ bikes with only 20 to 30 bikes in each.
So as suspected, you accused them of stealing it without any proof they actually had anything to do with it.

Glad you got it back in this instance, but to be honest you'll tend to get better responses from people if you approach them more amicably to start with (by all means go full Rambo if they start playing games and you're sure you're in the right).

Yes maybe I should have been nicer
In fairness I have kept it there for the last 2 years. I will buy a lock next time lol.

I feels like the management company is there to make our life difficult.
It’s a new build and they where appointed by the freeholder but we have setup a residence Committee to start fighting back now which I joined a couple of weeks ago.

we pay £5k+ On average in management fees and they don’t even respond to emails or calls about simple things.

They have taken to issuing parking tickets to genuine visitors, someone parks in a visitor space, they then go up to get a permit from the flat owner and by the time they come back down there is a £100 fine on the window.
I'm struggling to understand why people would even consider buying a house if other people have a say in what you can, and cannot, do in your own home.

It’s down to practicality and affordability really.
We can both walk to work from here, There are lots of parks we are right in front of the river and can walk for miles. There is a never ending supply of cafés and restaurants to visit.

But the Downside is a house is £1.5 to £2.5 million So instead we live in a flat Which is more affordable.

But Yes at some point I will have to move out to the suburbs again.
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