Is it shameful to have piles?

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1 Dec 2004
I dont even know if it is or not, but it hurts when I sit.

Now my work collegue has found out.

I feel shamed and wrong. :(
Luckily its not internally, but external, which makes me feel better I suppose.

dont want to be using that cream internally, that would be embarrasing :(
It's just from spending too long on the loo. No shame in it, loads of people get 'em specially in old age. Go and see a doctor.
So you post on an Interweb forum. :D Don't get much better than this, Lol Eggface. :p:p:p
Thats the only thing I can think of :p

Can you get it from sitting down too much and browsing internet forumz ?? :confused::p

Yeah, bad posture can do it - anything which interferes with blood pressure in the vessels in that area according to wikipedia ;)
I thought I had piles once, but didn't. I wish I did have piles though, because a cyst under the skin pressing against the coccyx causes massive back pain until it bursts, and when it bursts, it's messy.

Now that's embarassing. Caused by ingrowing hairs FFS!
Thats the only thing I can think of :p

Can you get it from sitting down too much and browsing internet forumz ?? :confused::p

Sitting on cold surfaces can cause them, or so my old metal work tutor said, but maybe he just didn't want us sitting on the bench's!
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