Is It time to switch

29 Dec 2012
Ive been mostly playing PC games for the last 10 years but the PC games are not growing like they did, I get one good game in a year to play sometime I will just play older games over 2-3 years, the last 2 years things have been downhill on pc gaming for me.

Ive been waiting for pc gaming to grow buts it mostly growing on the MMO games site, I dont get that many choices any more.

the last 2-3 years have mostly been hit and miss for me.
the only good games have in my option have been gone home, bioshock, elder scrolls ext which dont come along often.

Is PC gaming going to get any better any time soon ?
Ive not seen that many casual games, is it time to switch ?

the pc exclusives are drying up the choice is getting poor.

Is my taste changing or are things changing ?
am i even looking in the right places for good game
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