Is it to cut a hole in the side of a case for a fan?

29 Mar 2005
how hard is it to cut a hole in the side of a case (aluminium wavemaster) to put in a fan? i have intake issues bigstyle.
If you have the right tools for the job then it's very easy. Best way is to get a hole saw for your drill and the job will be done in a few minutes. If you use a dremel then it's time consuming and more messy.
ready for a stupid question? whats a hole saw? also after you have mad ethe hoel i assume u drill 4 holes and the take the grill of the fan and screw thro the grill thro the aluminium and into the fan on ther other side?
A hole saw is a dril bit with a tube of metal around it with teeth on it.#

If you planning on using one of these make sure you get a good quality one, or it will just go blunt on the metal.

For the grill just drill 4 holes in te correct places around the hole. Also I tend to use edging strip to hide the sharp edges of the hole and it give a nice finish aswel.

Another option is use a dremel if you feel up to it. Basicaly a multi rotary tool.
ok sounds pretty easy maybe i will do it around how much do these cost, would they be in b&q?
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You won't get a holesaw of 80/92 or 120mm from B&Q and you REALLY need the highest quality available, I used a pretty decent one and it didn't work too well. Dremels messier and needs more care but gives ability to do any hole size. If the edge of the holes slightly messy some laser cut grills will cover the edge.
hi Eliot

You'll need an arbour for the holesaw as well, pretty expensive if it's a one off, can't you borrow one? a dremel can be used on other things too, but again expensive for a one off, maybe your best bet for holesaws is the online auctions :)
Well, i bought a cheap - ish Holesaw and arbour for my mates case and i covered the area in masking tape and marked where i was going to drill, including the 4 holes for the grill and went carefully with the holesaw. It cut it really well. I just finished off with a slight file to remove and rough bits and it looked superb when i finished!!

What i would say is try to find an odd bit of metal to practice on first.

Go carefully, take your time and above all plan ahead first. Good luck.
go to

you want a 114 or 117 mm holesaw and as said you will need an arbor for your drill.

you can also use a jigsaw with a metal cutting bit - but the holesaw will give you a better circle without doubt.
gr1mey said:
go to

you want a 114 or 117 mm holesaw and as said you will need an arbor for your drill. (or do you need one actually for that make of holesaw?)

you can also use a jigsaw with a metal cutting bit - but the holesaw will give you a better circle without doubt.
So this one would be fine?

Think theres an pilot drill bit in the shed (is that what an arbor is)
Is a holesaw of this side easy enough to use with a hand held electric drill? - don't want to break my step dads drill. (even though he keeps saying he wants a new one)
Strange tempermental links :p

Yeh managed to get them working though, that was the one I was looking at (of the holesaws) might invest in one of those at some point.
good luck, cuz its not easy cutting a circle with a jigsaw, compared to what they look like done with a holesaw :)
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