Is it worth buying a laptop now?

5 May 2007
With the pending arrivals of 45nm CPUs and USB 3 and only high end laptops support DX10, HD DVD and Blu-Ray, is it worth buying a decent laptop now?
It depends how much you were going to spend, if it was the big money then I'd say to wait for the newer T8***'s/T9***'s.
Saying that, mid-range I'd say is worth it at the moment I think, for around £650-£700 you can find some nice machines which offer decent performance.
I've found an HP laptop for £530. The main thing is that is has a GeForce 7600 Go. Every other laptop for that money is Intel GMA, GeForce 6100 or ATi X1200 etc.
2GB Ram / 2Ghz Core2Duo / 160GB Hard Drive / 8600 GT / 15.4" Screen

That kind of spec can be had for a good bit under £600 at the moment. If you don't *need* a laptop though, a PC will be cheaper to fix outside of warranty and is more upgradeable.
2GB Ram / 2Ghz Core2Duo / 160GB Hard Drive / 8600 GT / 15.4" Screen

That kind of spec can be had for a good bit under £600 at the moment. If you don't *need* a laptop though, a PC will be cheaper to fix outside of warranty and is more upgradeable.

I'm looking for a laptop with that sort of spec, any make or model number would be nice/helpful.

Dam a bit slow :(
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