Is it worth getting a degree?

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
I'm 34 and have been contracting for almost 4 years now. I'm about to start another contract in a few months which is a year long and I've never struggled finding work.

All I have is a few vocational quals (Microsoft, Cisco). As a service leaver I am entitled to a free degree so I've thought about doing on in Computing and IT. I did about 90% of a HNC so I can use some credits from that.

I'm just wondering if it's worth the bother? Will I get more interviews and can I increase my day rate?
Well the degree I would do is BSc Hons in Computing and IT. I think I can transfer 60 credits minimum and I wouldn't be paying a penny for the degree. I would study further Cisco & Microsoft vocational qualifications as I did modules of the degree.

If you want to ever be a teacher you will need a degree... if that helps lol

Actually, teaching is something I'd like to do later on in life. Whether I'll end up doing it or not is another matter.
OP, for free, I'd do it. Just like if someone else had paid me to do a professional certificate or training modules at work. Doesn't have to be in IT if you've got a bag of industry experience; why not Statistics, then an advanced degree like an MBA or software and systems engineering? There are plenty of options to augment what you do day-to-day towards a more hands-off future. Doing it with the OU (or another distance learning provider) means that you'll be working and not losing any industry years, so it's a win-win.

The reason I would choose IT is because I'll be able to complete it a lot faster compared to doing something I'd have to learn. Plus I can do vocational studying at the same time, sit the respective Cisco/Microsoft/Red Hat exam and then do whatever module that matches.
Make sure its a degree you will benefit from. IT on its own is worthless. Security, networking and forensics are good areas.

Surely that's Post Grad once I've got the Hons?

I generally have no idea about the education system in this country, only went to school in the UK for about 5 years in total and left at 16 to join the Army. Still earn more than anyone in my year, makes me laugh sometimes.
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