"Is it worth going from 24" TN to 24" IPS?"

2 Apr 2011
I currently own a Samsung B2430H which I purchased from OCUK last year. I'm not satisfied with it - it has too much glare therefore I have to tune down the brightness and contrast which then makes everything look grey and washed out.

Been eyeballing this:

Do people here think there will be a noticeable improvement to picture quality and decrease in glare that will warrant buying this? Money is not an issue but I want to stick with 24".

Edit: Maybe I should have thought out the thread title better since the Dell IPS is also LCD but ohwell lol.
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Thanks for reply C64, I was just about to buy the Dell now since I haven't had a reply for 2 days but thought I'll check again anyway.

I haven't seen an IPS screen before so its hard for me to judge whether there will be a noticeable difference or not. Viewing angle isn't an issue. Guess I'll get a 120hz monitor instead maybe!
Wow its incredible how smooth everything is. Played LFD2, MW2, CSS and generally use. Guess you can't go wrong with either 120hz or IPS of you have neither.
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