Is it worth it?

21 May 2013
I have already had help specifying a build for a pc I want to build, My question is, is the intel i7 3770k processor worth it? The system itself is not just for gaming, I also want a powerful pc that I can overclock with a friends help (he has experience building pc's). Anyway i have a budget of £950 my build is slightly over but that's okay just wanting to know if I would be better off getting a i5 3570k instead
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If it's not just for gaming as you say then the i7 is worth it yes, depending on what kind of programs you would be using if they take advantage of the extra threads.

Either way Haswell is out June 3 so it would be best to wait for its release before ordering.

Do you 100% want Mini ITX?

If the PC is to be used for gaming, the 650 isn't TERRIBLE for gaming but you could probably get somethign better.
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As above, it's worth waiting it out with that kind of budget. No doubt there will be something worthwhile. I'd recommend putting some more budget into the GPU too, 650ti is pretty weak sawce.
okay, I would prefer the pc to be mini ITX as i have limited room to put it in. plus i really like the look of the bitfenix prodigy case but I will look around see if there is any bigger cases i like. Yeah I suppose i would be better to wait for haswell and what GFX card would you guys suggest? could squeeze it up to about £180 for one
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