Is it worth upgrading my mouse?

17 Dec 2004
At the moment i have a Logitech MX510 and while it is a good mouse a few things annoy me about it. One is that the lead is starting to bug me lol as i have a wireless keyboard and its great having no wires. The other problem is how dirty it gets on the blue bits where i rest my hand!! Don't know if i have dirty weird hands or what lol, but i get like a grey scum devloping on the blue areas?? :confused: Its horrible and a pain to get off.

I am therefore looking at the Logitech G5 or G7. Obviously the G5 is still wired but it has new technology etc and the G7 is wireless but has a hefty price tag. So down to the serious question I play a lot of FPS games and am wondering if I would see an improvement with this laser technology? Also is it worth the extra £20 to go wireless with the G7?

I would also like to know if the wireless mouse will suffer any lag in games? Also I don't think I am too worried about the batterys dieying on me as there is an indicator, unless this doesn't work to well?
If it is a decent wireless mouse then you should not notice any noticable lag whilst gaming.

I use the microsoft wireless desktop v2 I think and I find it fine for general work and gaming (no lag) although other people may find that this setup is not good enough for them.
i have mx1000 and works fine, only problem is battery dies after long gamming session and take about 3 hours to charge again (no spare). Very minor lag can be noticed so it is a slight delay, but playing with mouse settings can cure this. The G7 has fixed all these problems, with switchable batteries with seperate charger. also the responces from mouse to mobo is more often and so will reduce the minor lag issue i have said.

Wires are a pain so get the G7 it will be worth it.
I have to disagree.

Have owned a wireless MS mouse for 3 years (without an indicator). The battery has never died suddenly. Even when a warnign comes on, I can still use it for weeks after. Battery lasts 4 months +.

And I can't say that I have noticed lag in gaming.

And wireless mice are great as well, should you need to use them in powerpoint presentations and remote for films. :D
Wired mice are generally better IMHO. I own wired and wireless mice and prefer wires, however the mx610 laser mouse works well, but not as good as say the G5 that is wired.
Thanks for all your help finally decided to bite the bullet and ordered the G7 and a Dell 2405fpw Monitor :eek:

Man I hope these 2 things work out well or i can see some heafty postage returns happening lol.
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