Is Itunes getting unlocked for use with other mp3 players?

23 May 2006
As the title says. I like the itunes software because I have everything organised but I have had one ipod and it has broken and I'm not wanting to risk getting another.
apple are being urged to by people, they originally said no but i think they are considering it now or something. it would be good if they did its win win
I'd doubt it will happen, a big part of apples selling point for the ipod is the exclusive use of itunes and the itunes music store, also it builds brand loyalty as like you when peoples ipods break, they have all this music purchased in a format only ipods can play, therefore increasing the likelehood they'll buy another ipod, thereby lining apples pocket again.

It will be interessting to see what happens with microsofts zune project, and the rumours they might offer free duplicates of customers itunes purchases when the zune products are released.
BUSH said:
I'd doubt it will happen, a big part of apples selling point for the ipod is the exclusive use of itunes and the itunes music store, also it builds brand loyalty as like you when peoples ipods break, they have all this music purchased in a format only ipods can play, therefore increasing the likelehood they'll buy another ipod, thereby lining apples pocket again.

It will be interessting to see what happens with microsofts zune project, and the rumours they might offer free duplicates of customers itunes purchases when the zune products are released.

I think the loyalty thing is also just generally from having an apple once, so they must be the best, as well as all the accessories people buy.
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