Is money for a GPU such a bad birthday/Christmas list?

3 Jan 2018
People keep asking what I'd like for birthday/Christmas this year and every time I say "money for a graphics card" so I can finally replace my 970. People say I'm difficult to buy gifts for when they know exactly what to send my way!

My parents keep asking what I want despite telling them :cry: they say "you can't have nothing to open" when I don't want anything to open... I want a new GPU to enjoy gaming again :cry:

Is a gift of money really so bad...?
I totally get the "lazy option" people see but it's not like they haven't asked what to get, I'd rather funds to put towards something than to think of something material, there's really nothing I want for tbh.

4090 is way out of the question :cry: I'm thinking more a GPU fund for birthday & Christmas from everyone, see what I scramble together and hopefully get a used 6700/6800XT or something.

My 970 can't hack the modern stuff anymore and suffering thermally (already repasted it) and if I was to buy something solely myself... In fact with the way prices are I'd probably end up just going with something like a 1660 - so I'd rather not :cry:

I wonder if it's an age thing, but I genuinely don't really care if I have no "presents"! The present opening thing is old now, I'd rather watch my kids faces as they open theirs
You will get a much better response asking for a voucher for somewhere - mention if they get it to you by (x) date, you’ll have something awesome to open on your bday.

People offer gifts to be emotionally rewarded with your happiness - just handing over cash the gesture can be lost.
I suppose this is one way to look at it. My wife is the only one to see my joy of new hardware :cry:

I did the same in 2019 to replace my 3570k. Got enough to buy a 3600 build (by selling my 3570k parts), and she was the only one to witness the tear down, cleaning and initial boot of the first big upgrade since 2012
Wait, you’re married and still writing a Christmas list?? I figured you were sixteen!

This is weird, right? I’m 33 and I’m asking for a set of electric kitchen scales. That’s only because it’s nice to open something but the main part of Christmas is the food and spending time with family.
Not exactly, people keep asking what I want for birthday & Christmas, so I say "money for a graphics card" and they look at me like I'm being weird :cry:

I don't care for presents anymore (hence why I tend to just say money as it can also go towards other things if my plans go awry). I'd rather people not waste money on wrapped up gifts for me. If I say "nothing" then people will keep pestering me or my wife on what to buy me.

I can't even say something like a new game because dying 970.

Useful house stuff I will buy myself - I hate spending money on myself personally, I'd rather it went on family. I use birthday/Christmas as a chance to go for things I wouldn't buy myself or is unfeasible - unless maybe, everyone who would spend money on a gift instead put it in a pot so I can spend it on something useful instead ;)
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Who’s everyone? I’m not being an arse, but literally the only people who ask me is my mum (I’ve suggested a trip to an antiques centre where we will have a budget to buy each other something) and a nice lunch. My MIL (scales) and my girlfriend (a sauce sieve).
I kinda thought Christmas presents stopped once you were in your mid 20s beyond a few smaller things.
Certainly don’t buy my friends/they don’t buy me anything. I’d find it super cringey writing a list or asking for money!

My brother and I just buy each other a bottle of something.
Parents, in laws, brother in law, wife...

If I say small token things I get "you can't just ask for ____" even though I only said it so there's a "thing" they insist on buying. At least if I say "money I can put towards ____" because I can make use of it everyone's a winner.

I'd rather have a shot at buying something worthwhile than opening a present I'll never touch
Fair enough! Must be a family thing. Fair play to you!
I’ll think of you and your mountain of presents as I get excited over my electric scales :cry: :D
Sounds like there's certainly a tradition difference :cry:

Electric scales do sound pretty exciting to be fair... I was so happy with the kitchen knives my parents bought me one year!

I just figured family insist on spending on each other for birthdays (which I couldn't give a damn about tbh, just another day to me) and Christmas, I'll use them as a way to get something I'd never be buying myself - like a half decent GPU :cry:
Why do you have to say what it's for? Just say money so you can save up and treat yourself.
Suppose I don't have to, but I guess it at least gives people a feeling they're contributing to something?

I get asked this every year. There is a lot of things I want but are fairly expensive so I don't like asking for them. Last year I just asked for money towards something more expensive I could buy. I ended up with vouchers for various different places. If they were gonna do that I would have preferred it all for the same place.

But I don't say anything as I don't want to come across as ungrateful for what I do get.
There's quite a few things I "want" for myself but like you said, they're expensive. My last GPU was a gift bought by my wife about 4 years ago... But it was the 970 which was only £120 from the members market (whoever sold that overclocked MSI 970, it's done a stirling job), now I'm looking at the £400-500 mark for a used GPU that's actually going to stand up for itself over the coming years.
I'm nearly 40 and my mum says exactly the same thing to me. I usually buy whatever I need throughout the year so she just ends up wrapping random things for me. One year I got a Pritt Stick.. :cry:
A Pritt Stick is amazing :cry: my brother in law buys everything he needs and wants too so we often get him a £30 steam card or something. We tried to drag him back to Wow one year by buying a 30 day sub but it didn't work...
What resolution are you gaming at and what are your most demanding games? As £400-500 may be overkill for your needs. It may make sense to get something from the Members Market. Vega and the 5700 are ageing like fine wine and would be a big upgrade for you. 6700 XT more so. Upgrading at the £150-£300 price point means you can do the same in 2-3 years if need be.
I've been on 1080p for years partly due to only having 1080 monitors. I recently got a 4k monitor through work so I can finally go up a bit. Now I'm not planning on 4k gaming for years but I'd like to be able to do at least 1440p at 60+ FPS for a good while. My 970 has been with me about 4 years.

Members market is where I'm planning to planning to get something - I don't have the post count (yet!) But my friend can buy on there for me. Wanted to see what prices are like on there at the moment but he's been very busy so I've just been watching eBay for now.

I'd rather keep the card relevant for as long as possible, but with the way things have gone that doesn't seem a feasible as it once was.
I'll have your 970 as a birthday present to upgrade from my gtx 660 if this is how you want to play it. :cry:

Nothing wrong with money then you can spend it on whatever you like.
It'll likely be on the MM soon™ ;)

A friend is also looking to give us his 1080 in December, so hopefully there will be 2 970s on there soon :cry:
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