Is MSN down?

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Now get this... this Sod's Law at its finest.

My mate sent me some Course-work Info last night because I need to do a small piece for tommorow and missed the sheets being given out.

When I came home I turned on my computer and fired up Firefox and I had no internet connection... This has NEVER happened before.

Fine I think, I reset wireless connection. No response.

I try this about 3 more times and then give up until my bro gets home and sorts it. I come back half an hour later and its working. :confused:

Whoopee I think, then I try to log onto MSN to get into my e-mails but for some reason it won't sign me in saying I have no internet connection. WTF!!

So I try but this isn't working for me either.

Now I go and try the other 3 computers in my house and none of them work...

Now I can't do my coursework and I will have to find a desperate excuse as to explain this.

The most annoying thing is nothing like this has EVER happened before. :(
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