Is my Bad Axe 2 dying?

13 Feb 2003
Over the Moon
Hey guys, got a very bad feeling about my Bad Axe 2.

I have had my 6600 running at 3.4Ghz for the last 2 months without a sweat. Yesterday I installed an 8800GTS and then things started to get a bit pear shaped.

Once the 8800 was installed, the machine didn't boot so I put it down to power problems (485W Enermax PSU). So put everything back to stock in my machine, and then the card worked fine for about 20 mins and then the machine rebooted iteself. So I took this out, popped my old 7800GTX back in and now it's a bit, erm, odd.

Sometimes it wants to boot, sometimes it doesn't. I can't clock past 2.45Ghz because it throws a wobbler. So i'm now wondering if the power regulation on the board is damaged or even the PSU :(

Any ideas what could be wrong? I've tried unplugging all non critical devices, reset the cmos, left the psu unplugged overnight, set the bios to defaults etc.

Really out of options :( I don't have another PSU to try either :(
To be honest I really didn't think :(
Really need another PSU to test. You have no idea how annoyed at myself I am :(
Small update:

Ramped up the voltage to the CPU and then slowly increased the FSB in increments of 5mhz.

Once I was back at 3.4Ghz I slowly turned the voltage to the CPU and memory down and it seems to be happy. Perhaps the motherboard was trying to be clever.

Not reconnected everything else yet, so that may or may not be the killer.
subxero said:
Small update:

Ramped up the voltage to the CPU and then slowly increased the FSB in increments of 5mhz.

Once I was back at 3.4Ghz I slowly turned the voltage to the CPU and memory down and it seems to be happy. Perhaps the motherboard was trying to be clever.

Not reconnected everything else yet, so that may or may not be the killer.

Ok nice one BUT !!!!! DO NOT TRY IT AGAIN ! seems your system parts have not fried - you can thank enermax for the engineering, but as its already taken a huge drain today, be smart, dont push it, get a NEW psu then put in your new graphics card....learn from your expereinces ;) , put up with your old card until new PSU arraives, I hear good things about BFG's 800watt PSU, good for the money
Indeed. Like I said, I didn't give it a second thought really, got a bit wrapped up in the excitement of a new card.

New PSU is now on my shopping list, and my PC is now back to 3.4Ghz, there must have been some protective fail safe mode that was keeping it in check.

I've been very lucky :)
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