Is my CPU now a 4000+??

1 Dec 2005
i jsut started overclocking today , done prime95 for an hour and superpi 32m for an hour, and 3dmark01, 03 and 05. All stable no probs. But what iwa nt to kno is, is my CPU now a AMD 4000+ (altho i m 13mhz off)??

i m not sure if i wanna push for more, bcoz i want my ram and cpu to be 1:1, and my ram are cheap stuff, if i use a divider would i still get as much performance if i dont run ram:cpu 1:1?
Runningkid said:
i m not sure if i wanna push for more, bcoz i want my ram and cpu to be 1:1, and my ram are cheap stuff, if i use a divider would i still get as much performance if i dont run ram:cpu 1:1?

You get less performance loss when running a divider with an A64 system (like yours) mainly get performance loss in Intel systems when running on a divider.....

...Or so I have heard
CPU speed is most important on A64s, what I do is find out how fast the CPU can go first then try to get the memory running as fast as possible on a divider (or not as the case may be).

Lower the muiltiplier on the CPU so that it doesn't go too high as you raise the FSB (I like to keep the CPU below stock when doing this). Then just raise the FSB by 5MHz and test with Memtest86 and repeat until you start getting errors and then back off 5MHz or so.

chex said:
but it will clock higher than yours

Generally the lower class cpus clock higher, like i have a 50% oc on my 3000+, but youd have no chance of that on a 4000+

This is because more of the higher rated cpus get speed binned, where they are discarded as thay wont run at say 4000 (2.4) speeds at the correct voltage, to recover some of the cost these are then sold as 3000s, as they are capable of doing 1.8ghz at the correct voltage.

With a slight vcore bump, these chips can be coaxed into performing at the frequencies they were originally meant for.

As for going above that, that depends on the quality of the silicon and other components. this is why the optys were good clockers, they were meant for servers, and as such are made of the highest quality parts.
o i c thanks :D i m not on 2.5ghz my RAms limit seems to be 227, so i will keep it like that bcoz i like it in sync :D , thanks guys. Also is it true taht the lower the mulitplier the better?

also what is a fast time for superpi 1m?
kk, well i will elave it running prime95 over nifght tonite.

wots a fast time for superpi on 1m?

PS : temperature getting a bit high 40 idle and near 50 when working.
Runningkid said:
o i c thanks :D i m not on 2.5ghz my RAms limit seems to be 227, so i will keep it like that bcoz i like it in sync :D?

It's pointless keeping it in sync, all you are doing is limiting your overclock for no good reason at all. A64 doesn't need RAM in sync to perform, as has been said earlier it is only CPU speed that matters. Get that as high as you can, it doesn't matter if you need to put your memory divider back to 150mhz to do it, the result will be the same.
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