Is my final year project feasible?

25 Dec 2009
London, UK
My final year project is to create a price comparison site for tons of products, using sites such as Amazon, Overclockers, etc.

Using HTML & CSS for the website, and either PHP or some kind of script for grabbing the products, I'm not entire sure how I'm going to do this, people have said that I could contact the companies and they could provide me with product info to be used on my website if it's created.

I was thinking of doing the website two ways:

Having a kind of Google search engine, whereby you search an item, and it searches the websites and provides the best price based on the price of the item inc VAT and shipping costs.

Or have a website whereby everything is displayed kind of like amazon. Perhaps even having the items stored?, I mean how else am I going to have multiple items from different categories unless I store items 1 by 1 which would take forever.

I only have 10 days to think of a final year project and write it up so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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