Is my GPU hotspot delta for custom water loop MSI 3090 Gaming X Trio OK?

27 Jun 2023
Hi Guys,
My hotspot delta is +20C. Is something wrong? My custom water loop cooled MSI 3090 Gaming X Trio GPU (stock clocks and voltage, 100% power limit) hotspot delta is exactly +20C under load running both Furmark and Aida64 at the same time for over 1 hour to be sure of thermal equilibrium. The water pump and all 9 radiator fans (3x140s and 6x120s) are maxed out. See my picture for all temperatures including water temperature. While the PC Corsair7000X case temp is reported at 25C sat on the carpet, the ambient room temp is 27C. Gaming in a 30C room saw the hotspot at 83C. At idle the GPU core temperature matches the water temperature inside of less than 1C. At idle, the hotspot delta is +11 but it grows to +20 as GPU temp approaches 60C and gets wider beyond 60C. I forget what the air cooled hotspot delta was but air cooling gaming had GPU at 60C to 80C and RAM at 80C to 100C, so water cooling has improved the situation.

This is my first ever custom loop water cooled PC based on Corsair's 7000, three radiators (one of 420x30mm, two 360x30mm) reference build except I am using an EK Vector2 block for CPU 13900K and an EK Vector2 3090 Trio active back plate set for the GPU. I have already done a re-seat with a second round new new EK thermal pads. I double checked pad sizes and placement. Followed EK instructions perfectly with the 1mm and 2mm pads for the 3090 (not the 3080). No mistake with the instructions is made. Used EK's 0.6NM torque screw driver to tighten all screws. Covering only what the manual said to cover. I took note that the line of capacitors and 1 or 2 straggler smaller looking "VRM looking" chips remain uncovered but that is what the EK instruction manual indicated and I dared not deviate from it. The reseat made no difference to the hotspot delta, though overall temps came down probably due use my use of the 0.6NM torque screw driver on the second time around.

Some people report smaller hotspot deltas Any thoughts about what might be wrong here?

That's a lot of watts you're dumping into the loop and with what looks like a delta of ~10 degrees between your room and coolant I wouldn't say that's the end of the world.

If you've re-mounted the gpu block and you have confidence that you did it exactly as instructed plus your delta improved, I'd say that might be all you're going to get. 80+ isn't ideal as you're into the region where the card will stop boosting, but as far as I'm aware the 3090 was a massively power dense card, so cooling it is just a nightmare no matter what you do (other than LN2).

I'm not a 3090 owner but I have seen a lot of people talk about undervolting it to get temps under control so that would be my first suggestion. Have a look around these forums and give it a try, iirc you'll be able to get it down to 0.85/0.8V with no loss in performance but a hell of a lot less heat generated.
Thank you Sir.
I agree with your assessment. I forgot that this card is factory overclocked. I have dialled back the power in MSI Afterburner to 85%, the quick and lazy way to lower volts and it still seems happy to boost past 1700Mhz. Core 54C, hotspot 68C, RAM 54C, Water 36C. Power now 310W down from 370W.

Thank you for your help.
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Thank you Sir.
I agree with your assessment. I forgot that this card is factory overclocked. I have dialled back the power in MSI Afterburner to 85%, the quick and lazy way to lower volts and it still seems happy to boost past 1700Mhz. Core 54C, hotspot 68C, RAM 54C, Water 36C. Power now 310W down from 370W.

Thank you for your help.
No worries mate, glad it was a simple one :).
Few issues there. Fluid temp to core delta is around 20 which is too high. Then you got another 20 delta between the core and hotspot. That block is not making great contact with the GPU die.

This was my 3090 for reference when I had it.


12.9 core to hotspot delta at 400-430W. Fluid temps were in the high 20's/ low 30's IIRC.

It was a Suprim so same PCB only difference is that I was using a Bykski block and active backplate.

Looks like you did everything by the book when installing so most likely something wrong with the block. Maybe tolerances on the gpu or block mean the pads are too big causing a gap. If it were me in the first instance I would try more squishy pads. Artic TP3 or gelid extremes etc.
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Few issues there. Fluid temp to core delta is around 20 which is too high. Then you got another 20 delta between the core and hotspot. That block is not making great contact with the GPU die.

This was my 3090 for reference when I had it.


12.9 core to hotspot delta at 400-430W. Fluid temps were in the high 20's/ low 30's IIRC.

It was a Suprim so same PCB only difference is that I was using a Bykski block and active backplate.

Looks like you did everything by the book when installing so most likely something wrong with the block. Maybe tolerances on the gpu or block mean the pads are too big causing a gap. If it were me in the first instance I would try more squishy pads. Artic TP3 or gelid extremes etc.
Update 18 months later. You guessed right. Also, the loaded RTX3090 MSI Gaming X Trio GPU temps degraded a further 5C due to Hydronaut paste pump out. It seems not enough paste was applied. I have now repasted very generously with Duronuat and the Furmark loaded 370W GPU, water to GPU core delta is reduced to +16C and the GPU core to hot spot delta is reduced to +16C, from 18 months ago. Still not is good as your deltas, but I believe the MSI Suprim has a better binned chip and better VRM.
Update 18 months later. You guessed right. Also, the loaded RTX3090 MSI Gaming X Trio GPU temps degraded a further 5C due to Hydronaut paste pump out. It seems not enough paste was applied. I have now repasted very generously with Duronuat and the Furmark loaded 370W GPU, water to GPU core delta is reduced to +16C and the GPU core to hot spot delta is reduced to +16C, from 18 months ago. Still not is good as your deltas, but I believe the MSI Suprim has a better binned chip and better VRM.
Chip binning wouldn't effect deltas that much.

Still think you just have a poorly machined block, considering it's EK I'm not surprised. Had a few issues with them myself on the CPU side.

Your GPU isn't throttling so wouldn't worry too much at this stage.
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