Is my idea legal?

18 Oct 2002

I had an idea the other day but not sure how legal it was!

Basically I was wondering if it would be possible to produce a Jukebox, for Pubs and the such like, that the user could put their own CD's in to to request a song from.

Basically it would be done by when the user inserts their CD and selects a track it would rip the track to MP3 or other another format and play it like that. The user could then remove their CD and wait for their song to come on, assuming it doesn't play straight away and is in a queue.

However how legal is that?

Is it the same as films for example in that you can't play the music for a public performance?

Also if the above is above board and not legal, then would it be possible to store the music file, make it inaccessable so that no-one can use it to listen again, unless someone comes in with the same cd and trys to play the same song again, saves the waiting time of ripping.
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