is my ipod shuffle dead?

23 Mar 2009
basically it wont restore or take on any songs, i have no idea where to go with this now. I'm pretty sure i'm out of warranty on this but it's no big deal if it is dead as i can get a new one off my bro for my birthday soon. Was just wondering if there is something else to try before i give my brother the nod?
yep, i'll keep doing it repeatedly to see if that makes a difference, im bored you see. It likes to throw a hissy fit in itunes too often resulting in itunes dying that's if it can be bothered to be detected in the first place.


aaaaaaaaaaaa! it's started working for no reason at all, didn't even get round to repeatedly resetting. Don't know what all that was about.

*2nd edit*
Spoke to soon :(
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nope pretty sure i'm out of warranty, basically what the problem is that the ipod will show on itunes and take on songs randomly from my music library but if i ask it to take songs from a specific play list it doesn't like it. This is all providing it gets detected to begin with which seems to only happen a third of the time.
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