Is my living room too dark?

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
So, having a bit of an argument with the wife.

We've just spent a pretty penny on some new sofa's and accent chairs. Which we both like.

The argument is that the coffee table is making the front room horrible. (well that's what the wife is saying) She claims its making the entire room too dark and apparently she hates the rest of the room because of it.

While I agree the coffee table is an inexpensive made in china piece of crap, and needs replacing, I do not think the colour of it ruins the look of the room. Actually I think the colour suits the room well. Grays and browns go well together in a modern living room. She for some reason hates browns and wants to switch everything that's brown to be grey. The girl is outta control on her flippin greys!

Honest what do you think opinion please. I will be presenting her with this thread.

ok, here's a pic without the coffee table, and one of the rear. Better without ?


here's the rear to get a better feel for the open plan feel of the living space.

My home is tile throughout the entire downstairs, so a rug is a must. Besides it adds a lot more to the audio warmth. :D

She also hates the hifi rack and speakers, but hey goes in one ear and out the other. She knew what she was marrying.
The wife waited like 16weeks for that rug. Calling them up on a weekly basis. She was like a flippin cat waiting at the window for it to arrive. There's no way in hell its going. I told her straight, its going to be a pain to clean, but its what you wanted.

I don't mind it, it's great for the audio. Almost even an upgrade. :D
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