Is my memory faulty??

17 Dec 2004

Ok I have the Gskills 2GB HZ PC4000 memory and have had no problems to date. Now I started to overclock my Opteron 146 a few days ago. Got it to boot into windows at 3ghz but it didn't pass OCCT, then tried 2.9GHz it passed OCCT but wasn't prime stable. So thought it might be my memory becuase in the DFI bios I had all the settings on Auto.

So changed all the settings to what Gskills recommend on there webpage and ran memtest, on 3ghz i was getting errors so lowered the cpu to 2.85ghz and i got a lot of errors. So decided to reset all the bios settings to what they were before overclocking. To do this I used the CMOS Reloaded and then the computer wouldn't even post :(

So cleared cmos unplugged the psu and restarted and it now boots. So with all the settings at auto etc in bios i ran memtest again and got no errors for 2+hrs. Now i have just entered all the correct standard settings, these i got from the gskills website (they had an image of there settings when overclocking a 3000). So I ran memtest and got an error at test 7. I then have upped the voltage to the chip and the cpu (Memory = 2.8v CPU = 1.5v) and got an error on test 3 after 1.30mins.

Does this mean my memory is faulty?? Or should i try some other tests?
So no one can help me out here? I also tried to do manual settings on the ram with a an overclock of 2.5ghz and it was a not go, but it was fine if the DFI Bios settings are on auto for the memory. Does that mean the ram is fualty or that the DFI motherboard or BIOS is fualty?

Any help is much appreciated.
Never leave ram on auto when overclocking, clocking the cpu clocks the ram as well.
And with the cpu overclocked and ram on standard values the ram will still be overclocked due to the HTT/FSB.
Underclock the ram down to 100MHz, then do your cpu overclocking, then step the memory back up slowly
Thats the thing though, I have got no overclock everything is a stock/auto settings on my CPU. When i do the memtest with the CPU at stock/auto settings AND the memory at stock I get no errors, but when I still have the CPU at stock/auto settings but manually input the memory settings (3-4-4-8)i get errors in memtest. So if its doing it at stock I am thinking it is fualty.

Also when i was overclocking i was using a 133 divider and auto settings the memory from what I can remember when at 3ghz was at like 220mhz, surely that shouldn't damage the memory as on the Gskills website they have a screen shot of cpu-z with the memory at 250mhz.
AFK_Matrix said:
Thats the thing though, I have got no overclock everything is a stock/auto settings on my CPU. When i do the memtest with the CPU at stock/auto settings AND the memory at stock I get no errors, but when I still have the CPU at stock/auto settings but manually input the memory settings (3-4-4-8)i get errors in memtest. So if its doing it at stock I am thinking it is fualty.

Also when i was overclocking i was using a 133 divider and auto settings the memory from what I can remember when at 3ghz was at like 220mhz, surely that shouldn't damage the memory as on the Gskills website they have a screen shot of cpu-z with the memory at 250mhz.

You won't have damaged the memory by running it at 220mhz, its meant to run at 250mhz stock.

If its erroring at stock timings and voltage then RMA it :)
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